Wednesday, April 29, 2009

LadyBird Socks for Bug

Great-niece Cate, also known as "Bug" by her parents, turned one back when I was broken-ankled, so her present didn't get finished until recently. These are the Ladybird Shoes from 50 Baby Bootees to Knit by Zoe Mellor.

So that they would fit a one-year old instead of a baby, I used worsted weight yarn (Berroco Comfort). I also added a cuff, as in some of the other bootee patterns in the book, and I made a double sole, so there are NO BUMPS to bother her feet! (The smooth face of the stockinette stitch is where her foot will be!

Other modification was not to do the spots fair aisle, but rather to embroider them on before I sewed up the back seam. Cute shoes, but lots of needlework after the knitting was done!

1 comment:

véronique said...

There are very very beautifull